The Year 12 Acting students produced a fantastic set of three classical shows which they performed at the Old Rep for their summer classical season. Bold and imaginative interpretations of Shakespeare's 'As You Like It', 'Henry V' and 'Twelfth Night' took their audiences from live music at Woodstock in the 60s, to Guy Ritchie inspired style and violence via 'The Gentlemen', and finally on to Hawaii with Tiki induced dreams and shipwrecks. The students showcased their exceptional talents, and all three shows were hugely well received, achieving standing ovations each evening. To finish off a very busy and successful year in Year 12 Acting, we also invited previous Acting alumni back for workshops and Q&As on essential advice and support on drama school auditions, actor training, practical Meisner workshops and how to get an agent and spearhead your own opportunities in acting and creating in the future. It was lovely to welcome our alumni back and for them to share their successes and give valuable advice.