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Media Studies

WJEC GCSE Media Studies

For the new GCSE in Media Studies, there is a larger focus on the examinations that you will take, rather than the coursework that you will complete. The new GCSE Media Studies is an exciting and innovative course choice for KS4. You will analyse, plan and produce a range of media texts from the TV, film, radio, newspapers, magazines, print advertising, online social media and music video industries.

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MEDIA LANGUAGE: how the media through their forms, codes and conventions communicate meanings.

MEDIA REPRESENTATION: how the media portray events, issues, individuals and social groups.

MEDIA INDUSTRIES: how the media industries' processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms.

MEDIA AUDIENCES: how media forms target, reach and address audiences, how audiences interpret and respond to them, and how members of audiences become producers themselves.


What will I learn?

At GCSE there is one Controlled Assessment component and two Examination components to complete.

This is an examined component that is externally assessed. Candidates will develop their understanding of how to analyse a media product through the use of media language, representations, how it attracts audiences and through the institutions.

This is an examined component that is externally assessed. Candidates will study nine media forms (three in depth), where students will be studying media language, representations, audiences and institutions for specific products. This exam will also feature a ‘creative task’ section, where students will be set a brief in the exam to create a brief for their own product & explain how it fulfils the brief.


This is a controlled assessment component that is internally assessed and externally moderated. Candidates work individually to produce a major practical production from a selection of set briefs by the exam board. Each student produces their own evidence of research and planning alongside an evaluation of their finished product.


How will I be assessed?

 Component 1 (Exam) – 35% of GCSE
 Component 2 (Exam) - 35% of GCSE
 Component 3 (Controlled Assessment) – 30% of GCSE