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Our Year 10 Dance pathway show, 'Liberate' was a tribute to powerful and influential women in society. The show was performed by an all-female cast of dancers featuring several powerful dance pieces set to a soundtrack of well selected songs and music pieces. 

Some of the notable performances told the story of influential women such as Rosa Parkes and Greta Gerwig and historical figures such as Florence Nightingale and Cleopatra. There were also more modern influences such as Madonna and the Lionesses.

The show was a real collaboration between staff and students with the support of BOA Stage and Screen's technical theatre students. 

The student talent on stage was truly inspirational. As dancers, they all brought a real sense of performance and flare. Their passion and drive as a year group really stands them in good stead for Year 11 and we look forward to what they will bring in next year's performances.